11. A Small Note

Missing White Woman Syndrome
Josefina Posch
A 2014 report said police had identified nearly 1,200 missing or murdered indigenous women and girls in Canada. Indigenous women and girls make up only 3% of the female population in Canada, yet they represent 10% of all female homicides. Despite this overrepresentation, the media chose to put disproportionately large focus on upper-middle-class white women who disappeared or were murdered. The phenomenon is referred to as: Missing White Woman Syndrome. The film is shot outside of Winnipeg, Canada, on the site where the remains of the missing 21-year-old Keewatin woman’s body was found in June 2017. She had been missing for almost a year.
Thu 11:57 PM
Joliane Dufresne
A macbook performance
You Do Not Belong to This Land
Rushabh Vishawakarma
Video documentation of a sculpture
Josefina Posch
A 2014 report said police had identified nearly 1,200 missing or murdered indigenous women and girls in Canada. Indigenous women and girls make up only 3% of the female population in Canada, yet they represent 10% of all female homicides. Despite this overrepresentation, the media chose to put disproportionately large focus on upper-middle-class white women who disappeared or were murdered. The phenomenon is referred to as: Missing White Woman Syndrome. The film is shot outside of Winnipeg, Canada, on the site where the remains of the missing 21-year-old Keewatin woman’s body was found in June 2017. She had been missing for almost a year.
Thu 11:57 PM
Joliane Dufresne
A macbook performance
You Do Not Belong to This Land
Rushabh Vishawakarma
Video documentation of a sculpture