10. Between Dog and Wolf

The title of the show is derived from a lecture delivered by Trinh T Minh-Ha, where she explores ideas around the transformative potential of an artwork and in our ways of seeing and experiencing them. She talks of “the hostility of the market” in wanting to know intentions and preconceived notions, but it is in the impasses, the blind procedures, the happy accidents, the time wasted, the unhappy discoveries, the useless moves, and of always knowing what was intended even if it doesn’t manifest, that a potential lies.
The show tries to articulate these ideas as a hyphenated imaginary—an imaginary that like the saying entre chien et loup (between dog and wolf) is located in not knowing the exact nature of what one sees or experiences. Here, the hyphens are located within the conditions of a home—not one that alludes to the nostalgia or the emotion of a ‘Home Sweet Home’ but instead of the tedium of isolation, of it being cannibalistic, of its sentience, of the uncanny.
The show was curated by Meenakshi Thirukode in collaboration with INSTITUTING OTHERWISE and India Art Fair.
Link to Trinh T Minh-Ha lecture: Between Dog And Wolf | Free ...https://soundcloud.com/oneperson/between-dog-and-wolf-trinh-t
The show tries to articulate these ideas as a hyphenated imaginary—an imaginary that like the saying entre chien et loup (between dog and wolf) is located in not knowing the exact nature of what one sees or experiences. Here, the hyphens are located within the conditions of a home—not one that alludes to the nostalgia or the emotion of a ‘Home Sweet Home’ but instead of the tedium of isolation, of it being cannibalistic, of its sentience, of the uncanny.
The show was curated by Meenakshi Thirukode in collaboration with INSTITUTING OTHERWISE and India Art Fair.
Artist Multiples and Publications Shop:
Arshad Hakim
Ayesha Singh
Tanya Geol
Chinar Shah
Sarsija Subramanian
Neeraj Kadamboor
Nihaal Faizal
Suvani Suri
Allan Parker
Mahimma Bhayyana
Sohrab Hura
Furqan Javed
Amba Sayal – Bennette
Harame Kush Sethi
Arshad Hakim
Ayesha Singh
Tanya Geol
Chinar Shah
Sarsija Subramanian
Neeraj Kadamboor
Nihaal Faizal
Suvani Suri
Allan Parker
Mahimma Bhayyana
Sohrab Hura
Furqan Javed
Amba Sayal – Bennette
Harame Kush Sethi
Link to Trinh T Minh-Ha lecture: Between Dog And Wolf | Free ...https://soundcloud.com/oneperson/between-dog-and-wolf-trinh-t

Installation image From left, Kush Sethi, Nihaal Faizal, Guy Ben-ner, Chloe Bass

Installation Image from left: Kush Sethi, Nihaal Faizal

Installation Image, Guy Ben-ner

Shop, artists multiples